Gurukul - For Enlightenment and For Life

"Gurukul provides almost everything needed for life.
The basic Ayurveda knowledge, basic archery to protect oneself,
basic business to run the business or administer basic critical thinking
and decision-making, and basic truths required about Enlightenment
and Life. So everything at the basic level is provided at the Gurukul.
If somebody wants to master or specialize in some subject, they can do it.
I am very serious. I wanted to revive the Indian education system,
the Vedic education system."
-SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam
Understanding How Nithyananda Gurukul
Education System Work

"Education means only the tools to awaken your possibility should be given to you and you should go on exploring and awakening multiple possibilities of you without any special teachers for those possibilities. That is education.
I teach my Gurukul kids any one instrument properly – either Tiru Kailaya Vadyam or something. Once the tool of tuning yourself to the sound is given to you, then we provide all the musical instruments and they start playing, picking up. Same way, the Malla Kamba yoga, the yoga on the pillar is considered Hanuman in Indian tradition. We teach only the Malla Kamba yoga, and from that they pick up the science of manipulating, and using their body in multiple, ways, multiple things they start picking up. Just one tool when it is given, using it and awakening all the different possibilities"
-SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam
The Nithyananda Gurukul Vs. Contemporary Education
- The current education system established by Macaulay and Max Muller in India is the ""non-involving narrative style"" of teaching.
- In gurukul there is no 'education’, there are only initiations. Initiation means empowering you with powers and letting you play with them and letting you manifest your specialization and letting you grow and glow. There is only one thing SHAKTIPADA that's all. Constantly you are empowered, asked to explore."
- Only technical logic is taught. When you know some technical word or concept, you start thinking that you know how life works. Also, the technical knowledge you learn is mostly useless and does not have any practical use in a common-man's life.
- The original Indian education system was not about continuously giving words, ideas, concepts, theories, or theologies. It was about awakening you to the right context – Enlightenment.
- is putting a set of ideas into your head and forcing you to conform to it. Pressurizing you to memorize it and forcibly making you vomit.
- The Indian Education System – the Gurukul - is more of a "transmission" of the knowledge, rather than a mere "transfer" of knowledge. My Gurukul kids will not use their body as a "PC" that merely processes information that is fed to it. They will function as the ‘internet’, accessing knowledge from the cosmic archives and having their "OWN" inventions and discoveries!
Meet Gurukul Parents
Hear their amazing eye-witness testimonies of the transformation that Nithyananda Gurukul creates in behavior, decision-making, rapidly increasing levels of intelligence, self-confidence, and unique expression of powers in students attending this tremendous, powerful, ancient Hindu program designed for modern times.
Why Join The Gurukul

The Gurukul education is constantly developing along with the changes in trends and new research. The contemporary system of education is becoming redundant and students are no longer able to connect the theory they study in school to practical life.

What is supposed to be education? Educating the child to be manifesting for whatever he is capable of and being a very good, beautiful, best-contributing citizen of the planet earth - Humanity. That's all is the purpose of education.

The Nithyananda Gurukul Balasanths are trained in real-world projects. They run sub-companies within the ashram and make decisions at the top in alignment with Swamiji's vision for the world.

Subtle grooves and the non-mechanical parts of the student's brain are awakened by Swamiji. This heightened level of brain use allows students to reach their true potential. Students have conflict and stress-free living embedded into their consciousness.

The Gurukul is the only future for the younger generation today. A vision. A passion to run. It gives them a purpose to live.