कापालन्तर्-मनो न्यस्य तिष्टन् मीमित लोचनः।
क्रमेन मनसो दढ्यत् लक्षयेत् लक्ष्यं उत्तमं॥३४.११॥
kapālāntar-mano nyasa tiṣṭhan-mīlita locanaḥ |
kramena manaso dārḍhyāt lakṣayel-lakṣyam-uttamam || 34 ||
By fixing the mind on the inner space within the crown center and sitting stably without any movement having the eyes closed, in succession, by that stability of the mind and inner space, (through the power of the third eye), one directly sees the ultimate goal [lakshyam] by having the vision beyond the sight, that reveals any object or place, attaining the space of Oneness with the Source, Sadashiva.
Source- Shaastra Pramana: Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra, sutra 34, dhāraṇa 11
Amazing Power Demo To VIPs

Demo to Panchparameshwars of
Mahanirvani Akkhada

Demo to Former head of Akkhada Parishad
Sri Narendra Giri Maharaj

Demo to VIP from TATA group.

Demo to Mahaswami of Kanchikamakoti
Sarvajnapeetha Sri Jayandra Sarasvati

Demo to Panchparameshwars of
Mahanirvani Akkhada

Demo to former Acharya Maha Mandaleshvar
of Attal Akkhada Sri Sukhadevananda.

Demo at Google office in Bangalore

Demo to the President of Vishva Hindu Parishad

Demo at Business Advocacy Summit
in Capitol Hill, Washington D.C., USA

Demo to Hindu leaders

Demo to at Shankara Netralaya, world
renowned Eye Speciality Hospital

Demo to Hindu Spiritual Leaders
"The foremost syllabus of the Nithyananda Gurukul is manifesting Paramashivatva. SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam is very clear that the real expression of Paramashivatva is manifesting extraordinary powers.
“Breathe Paramashiva, make people breathe Sadashiva. Manifest Sadashiva, make people manifest Sadashiva! Because the more and more you use Paramashivatva, the more and more you’ll be grounded on Paramashivatva, more and more your cognition will start functioning from Paramashivatva, more and more you’ll be radiating Paramashiva, more and more you’ll be radiating Paramashivashakti.”